relax ~ release ~ recharge ~ renew
Reflexology is a proven form of natural healing that has been in existence for thousands of years and dates back as far as ancient Egyptian times.
It consists of a gentle stimulation of the feet at specific reflex points that mirror the systems and organs in the body including the central nervous system, endocrine, lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and musculoskeletal systems.
Reflexology effectively maintains good health while building up the body's immunity and resistance to disease by keeping these systems in healthy coordination with each other.
Reflexology is also an antidote to stress and therefore eases stress related conditions and symptoms. Relaxation is a prerequisite for good health and Reflexology induces the alpha state of relaxation which unclutters the mind and allows natural healing within the body to take place literally from head to toe!
Below is an example of the Reflexology map on the feet and how it correlates to the different systems and organs of the body: